Tak Usah Kite Fikirkan Hujung Perjalanan Ini...!!!

Ass Pee Aim

Baby Dont Cry aii ai aii aiiii...!!

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KL bangsar, malay+korea+arabian, Malaysia
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Again....and again,i had been fool with my frens...very2 disappointed...!but i dun care...maybe im just dreaming and very hopeless...but it very hurt!furthermore that tudung girl was hurting me last 2 month....!!I thought this year..this SPM year i dun want to think about girl anymore...ever!but well...u know,there is no men can stand without a girl seriously...hahaha come on just kid'....

Okeh the story here.... there's girl...I always disturb her with try to flirt her...but I never have a love feeling either(oh my i hope she dun read this).....im just playing around...until...until one day i fall in love with her.....but I still believe that love is blind!! it's after that "betina"(girl before her) played with my heart...!oh yeah rite why i said that i had been fool mith my fren..?everytime I disturb her,she never look at me and say "go away..." hahaha yeah i laugh at that time,and after my frens said she want to meet me...."OH MY GOD! dunia nk kiamat ke?"I said...then my frens tell me he talk to her..."hey tggu sape?tguu mul ehh hehe?"and she just smiley and malu2...and then im just dreaming and nude! and over till i cant focus my study and my world,my fren just support me and suggest me to tackle her....well ofcourse lah i would try my best and this time i feel weird,im shy when face up with her.....and i realize that I.....fall in love with her....she is not very pretty,she is not hot or sexy....I dun know how to explain how I feel with her...only my heart can tell it...and i see its far inside her heart only can give me the answer....so the day has become,i meet her after I know maybe she accept me....and u know what the react?she just....yeah she just smile...and....ignore me and said"mana ada aku nak jumpa kau" like that larr...oh damn! its was second time...!!....actually the story was happen today....and I dun know which one its true...I hope she was joking or my frens was telling true.....maybe she need a time....its ok I always waiting.....girl.....plss dun try playing with my heart.....! or maybe u really dun want me to exist in your life...hmmm actually,i think better we just should be a FRIENDS ....yeah thats only a good point that we can be closed and knowing each other....thanks to let me spend your time event being force!.....born to find you force to kacau you!! hahah Thanks ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ak mendoakan kebhagiaan mu.... gagagaga!